Everything you need to understand about the Breastfeeding concept

Breastfeeding concept

The first week of August 1 – August 7 is celebrated as the breastfeeding week across the globe. This particular week will always be focusing on spreading awareness about breastfeeding and its importance for the health of the mother as well as the baby. As awareness about this concept is consistently increasing, India has also witnessed a significant improvement in the number of breastfed babies over the past few years. Breastfeeding is very critical for both the mother as well as the baby because it comes with significant long-term benefits for both of them from the perspective of health and growth. Some of the common benefits associated with breastfeeding for babies as recommended by the Maternity hospital in Bhubaneswar doctors are explained as follows:

  1. Providing complete nutrition: Babies up to the age of six months will only require breast milk and no other food or drink including water. This is the complete blend of all of the nutrients that are required by the baby including vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Babies who are older than the age group of six months to the age of 24 months need breast milk along with other food items. Breast milk in this particular case will adapt to the changing needs of the growing baby very easily and also will provide them with a required element of nourishment at every step.
  2. Better in terms of immunity: Apart from the nutrients the breastmilk will also have to have a significant number of antibodies that further provide the baby with support in terms of fighting against the infection. All of these antibodies will be passed from mother to child and help in protecting them from multiple diseases. This point very well means that there will be few numbers of infections in the baby including respiratory infections or gastrointestinal infections.
  3. Providing babies with better health: All the babies who have consistently breastfed will not have only a stronger immune system but also will be at a very low risk of developing any other diseases including lifestyle disease. Apart from the breastfeeding basic activity, such activity will contribute to the improvement of immunity, the number of infections, and eventually better overall health. This will be also helpful in introducing the rates of hospitalization and also making sure that there will be few numbers of visits to the pediatrician
  4. Improving the intelligence factor: Research very well recommends that all the babies who have consistently breastfed will definitely have a very high element of IQ in comparison to the other options of babies. Such kids will definitely contribute towards better cognitive development and the best part is that breastmilk will be making the entire concept of digestion very much practically possible for the babies without any problem. So, in this case, babies will have very bare minimum chances of constipation or diarrhoea-related problems.
  5. Providing babies with emotional benefits: Breastfeeding will also be definitely helpful in providing the babies with a very strong bond between the mother as well as the child and further, it will be helpful in providing them with comfort, security, and overall well-being very easily.

Some of the common benefits associated with breastfeeding for mothers have been explained as follows as recommended by the experts at Pregnancy Hospital in Bhubaneswar

  1. Protect the mother against cancer: Any mother who has indulged in breastfeeding will have having very low chance of developing cancer for example breast cancer or cancer in the ovaries. This is perfectly backed by research from the House of experts.
  2. Very fast recovery from the birth of a child: Breastfeeding will be definitely helpful in promoting the production of multiple hormones in the body which further helps in making sure that contraction of the enlarged uterus area will be very proficiently done. This will be helpful in promoting the healing factor very easily and also helps in reducing the vaginal bleeding after the delivery. Further in addition to the recovery factor, this will be very well successful based upon a very low risk of postpartum depression which is a very common concern post-delivery.
  3. Helpful in promoting the weight loss activity: By burning the extra calories, breastfeeding will be also very successful in terms of providing the new mothers with a support factor because they will be using it as a very important tactic to lose pregnancy weight very quickly. Breast milk is very much hygienic and always advisable which is the main reason that there is no need to worry about preparing bottles or sterilization at any point in time. The risk of infection in the entire situation will be the bare minimum and things will be very well sorted out in the right direction without any problem.

Usually, people have a very common concern about when they should begin breastfeeding but actually baby should focus on breastfeeding as early as possible because earlier will be better in this case. The first produced breastmilk is known as colostrum. This type of milk has a very high element of nutritional value with immense immunity-building properties and no other food should be given at birth. So, it is always advisable for people to refrain from the practice of giving honey immediately after birth. Breast milk is generally adequate and complete even for pre-term low-weight babies because this will be helpful in providing them with the care factor at all times with the things that baby needs the most. Hence there is no doubt in this particular point that the best gastroenterology doctors for kids in Boduppal very well suggest that breast milk is a magical fluid with many benefits and it is irreplaceable because it does wonders for both the mother as well as the baby. So, it is always advisable for people to eliminate all of the myths and misconceptions during the birth of the kids, and providing the kids with breastfeeding is definitely advisable so that everyone will be able to enjoy countless benefits from it.

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